Assistant staff hours of work
Normally assistant staff are required to work 36.5 hours each week unless part time working has been agreed. The Department does operate a flexible working policy (flexi-time) for all clerical, secretarial and technical staff, with the exception of staff appointed to posts with fixed hours.
Normal working hours (assistant staff ) 07.30 - 18.30 Monday to Friday
Core Time (when all staff must be at work):
Monday to Friday: 10.00am – 12.00 and 14.30 – 16.00.
Lunch break must be a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 2 hours between 12.00 - 14.30.
For members of staff working flexi-time, a maximum of 10 excess worked hours can be carried over to the next month. Individuals are allowed up to one day or two half days off a month to use excess hours. Permission for flexi leave must be granted by the member of staff’s line manager. An individual’s debit must not exceed 5 hours at any time and must be made up by the end of the month i.e. nil.
You must request and agree all flexi leave in advance with your manager
For staff working part time, core time, overall time and lunch breaks must be agreed before commencement of part time working.
You may be required to work reasonable overtime, but overtime is worked only when necessary in the interests of the University, and must be authorised beforehand by the Support Services Manager. No compensation will be made for any overtime that has not been authorised in advance. You will be compensated for authorised overtime worked either by payment or by time off in lieu. The Support Services Manager will decide whether payment or time off in lieu is granted. The hourly rates for calculating overtime or time off in lieu are:
For overtime worked Monday to Saturday (at any time): 1.5 × basic hourly rate (i.e. an additional payment for the hours worked at half normal rate), or time off in lieu at the rate of 1.5 hours for each hour of overtime worked.
For overtime worked on Sunday (at any time): 2 × basic hourly rate (i.e. an additional payment of the hourly rate for hours worked) or time off in lieu at the rate of 2 hours for each hour of overtime worked.
Bank Holiday Working
Any assistant member of staff who is required by their department to work on bank holidays are eligible to claim compensation. Unfortunately the University still have not updated their policies for compensating Assistant Staff who are require to work on bank holidays so please be aware that the department will allow the following compensation for those staff who are required to work on a bank holiday:
Compensation in the form of an overtime payment:
· Bank Holiday (at any time) = 2x basic hourly rate + in addition they will be able to take the day’s or part day’s leave on another occasion
Compensation in the form of time off in lieu:
· Bank Holiday (at any time) = 2x TOIL + in addition they will be able to take the day’s or part day’s leave on another occasion
This will only be effective for 2024 as hopefully the University will have adopted a different compensation policy by 2025. Also, please be aware that this TOIL must be used by the end of the calendar year 2024.
Just a reminder, if you choose to work on a bank holiday but are not required to, you will not receive this compensation. It is only those who are required to work on a bank holiday that can claim compensation. Please check with your line manager before you work.