Staff review process

What are staff reviews? The Department’s review process is intended to provide staff with an opportunity for a constructive review of their current achievements, future work and their personal and career development. The review will comprise a meeting between reviewer and reviewee. Both are expected to prepare for the meeting by giving some thought to the issues to be addressed and then to agree a brief written record of the outcomes. The discussion and the record of the review are confidential to the reviewee, reviewer, Head of Operations and Estates and Head of Department.  The review will not be used for any other purpose unless, by mutual agreement an issue raised at the review is to be taken up with others such as details of formal training needs that may need to be addressed.

Reviews should improve work effectiveness and facilitate career development by encouraging staff to discuss their achievements, address challenges, set targets and consider their training and personal development requirements. A staff review is not a replacement for good management practice, a disciplinary tool nor a means of determining pay.

When are staff reviews? Staff reviews are offered to all department support staff 12 months after appointment and thereafter every year and usually during the period March to May at a mutually convenient time and place between the staff member and their line manager or nominated reviewer. 

What is the format? Line managers will send a draft agenda to the member of staff approximately 2 weeks before the meeting. The agenda is completed and agreed by both parties in preparation for the meeting discussions. 

Who co-ordinates the process? The Head of Operations and Estates. A copy of the review documents should be given to the member of staff and the original forms should be stored securely in the Department's personnel files.  Completed review records should be emailed to the Head of Operations and Estates, Marita Walsh.

The discussion and the record of the review are confidential to the reviewee, reviewer, Head of Operations and Estates and Head of Department.  The review will not be used for any other purpose unless, by mutual agreement, an issue raised at the review is to be taken up with others e.g. details of formal training needs.

Staff review and Development Guidance Booklet can be found on the University HR staff review and development webpages.

PPD offer a range of recommended staff review and development training.

For Professional Services staff the PD25 contains 4 sections, listed below. They can be used separately or as the original single PD25 document : 

Researchers staff review information can be found on the Postdoc pages.

For further information and/or queries please contact either Marita Walsh or Kathleen Pickett.