Changes in personal circumstances
In order that we hold correct contact details records it is essential that you inform your line manager, the Department and University of any changes to:
- Your address and home or mobile telephone number(s)
- Your name
- Your next of kin
- Your bank account details
Please keep your personal details up to date in both the:
Perhaps the most important means of communication are the informal face-to-face discussions that occur each day – about your job, the Department and your benefits. Your prime source of information is your line manager. It is part of their job to keep you informed, to answer questions and to listen to constructive opinions, comments and suggestions.
Contract of employment
Shortly after commencing employment with the Department you will receive your Contract of Employment. For queries related to this please contact Emma Graham or Marita Walsh.
We recognise that it is important that the foundations for good working practices are established at the outset of your appointment. The person most familiar with the requirements of your job, typically your line manager, will usually be responsible for your induction, monitoring your performance, providing guidance on a day-to-day basis, and arranging for any necessary training.
Your induction programme is designed so that you can fit in quickly and effectively. You will meet new colleagues and be given details of the main responsibilities of your post, sources of immediate help and support, and the terms and conditions of your employment. These include relevant policies and procedures, and health, safety and welfare matters.
Additionally, you are encouraged to join the University’s Online Staff Induction course which complements the induction you will receive from within the Department and to attend the University’s Welcome Talk which runs termly.
It is University policy to ‘facilitate personal and professional development enabling individuals and groups to achieve their full potential’. Mentoring is a dynamic way to facilitating such development and is a means of providing structured support to a member of staff in the early stages of a new appointment.
The University's Mentoring site has a wealth of information on how to become a mentee or a mentor along with a mentoring guide and workbook.
If you would like to consider mentoring within the Department, please speak with your line manager in the first instance or with Marita Walsh or Kathleen Pickett.
Photo ID cards
Once you have completed the registration process, Reception will issue you with a temporary pass to allow you to access the department. Please be sure to return it when you have received your University Photo ID card. Your University Photo ID Card will be available from the Department's Personnel Administration Office 7-10 days after your start date.
Your Photo ID Card is personal to you and must not be shared with others.
Your University Photo ID Card will entitle you to access the department via the Mifare controlled doors. It will also enable you to use other University services, provide access to some other University buildings and the Reward and Benefits scheme. It must be returned to Reception or the Department’s Personnel Administration Office on or before your last day in the Department.
You must return this card to Reception or the Department’s Personnel Administration Office when you are no longer a member of the department.
Probation is a formal arrangement at the start of an appointment whereby new staff demonstrate their suitability for a particular job within a set time period. The length of the probation period varies according to both grade or nature of a post and the length of the appointment. Details will be set out in your contract of employment.
A probationary period is served for a particular job. In addition to your initial appointment you may have to serve a further period of probation if you are subsequently appointed to a new post with different or additional duties and responsibilities.
During the probationary period your line manager will arrange a series of progress reviews at appropriate intervals. The purpose of these formal assessments at various stages of probation is two-fold. Firstly, they are a means of demonstrating and building on progress made and secondly, in the event of any problem arising, they ensure there are clear indications of the difficulties that have arisen and the steps taken to attempt to resolve them. The decision to confirm your appointment at the end of your probationary period will be based on these assessments.
Towards the end of the probationary period your line manager will liaise with Marita Walsh, Head of Operations and Estates, regarding an overall assessment of your performance from these reviews and Marita will hold a final probationary meeting with you and either confirm your appointment or take alternative action.
Further information about probation is available in the University’s Probationary Policy for academic related and assistant staff.
Registration in the department is now via an online registration form. Group secretaries and administrators can click on this link to create a unique link for each individual needing to register in the department.
Details of the process are below:
- Secretaries/group administrators need to generate a unique link to an online registration form. Once generated, this is automatically emailed to the new starter registering.
- The new starter clicks on their unique link, completes the form and submits. This sends the completed online form to
- Safety induction is part of the registration process and must be completed in order to submit the registration form.
- The Safety Handbook and Statement on Safety can be accessed on the Safety Handbook for Virtual Registrations page.
- Once the registration is complete, it is uploaded into the database by a member of the admin team. Reception will then be authorised to give Mifare access.
- The DSE form will still need to be given to new starters, but is not a requirement of registration. Completed DSE forms should be emailed to
- IT will arrange for the new intake of students to receive an automatically generated unique code on October 1st therefore these do not need to be generated individually.
A portrait style photo will be required for your badge and for the department database. Please contact the Photography team to arrange for your photo to be taken within your first week in the department.
Right to Work Check
The Right to Work check must be completed by a member of the admin team by 9.30am on your first day of work in the department. Please contact Emma Graham for further information if required.
Work Health Declaration and Medical Screening
The Department is committed to equality of opportunity and to a pro-active and inclusive approach to equality.
Work Health Declaration - All new employees are sent a work health declaration (OHF30) form with their job offer letter and asked to return the completed declaration before they start work. If you declare a disability or health condition that could affect effect your ability to carry out your work you, a proper assessment will be carried out by the Occupational Health Service to establish whether reasonable adjustments can be made to your work environment and working arrangements.
Medical Screening - Depending on your duties, you may also be asked to complete a health assessment and required to attend the Occupational Health Service for a medical examination before you are offered a post.
Failure to disclose information about health problems that affect your ability to work may result in the termination of your employment. You may also be asked to attend the Occupational Health Service during the course of your employment if your health is causing difficulties for you at work.