Mifare Access Control System

Access to the Department is via an Electronic Access Control System called Mifare and requires the use of your University Photo ID Card. The Mifare card also unlocks the gates to the cycle compound.

Security and avoidance of theft

Although the department is occupied 24 hours a day it is still vulnerable to petty theft.

It is the responsibility of everyone in the Department to reduce to a minimum the likelihood of theft, and to reduce to a minimum the loss should a break-in occur. You should check that all doors and windows are locked securely whenever rooms are unoccupied, and especially outside normal working hours.

Please ensure you secure all personal belongings whilst you are in or around the department at all times, especially bags, wallets and purses. You are encouraged to keep valuables out of sight whenever possible. Avoid hanging coats and jackets, or leaving handbags and cases, near to doors. Personal property is not covered by University insurance.

Also, remember to secure your car or bicycle when left in the car park or cycle parking.

Report any vehicle being damaged or anyone acting in a furtive or suspicious way to Reception or the Security staff immediately        

Data protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets out rules for processing personal information. The GDPR gives individuals certain rights, and also imposes obligations on those who record and use personal information to be open about how information is used and to follow specified data protection principles.

In the course of inputting personal details on to the department database, and whenever a Mifare controlled door is activated, certain information is recorded. This information will be used only for safety and security reasons unless the Department is required to make a disclosure on legal grounds. Requests for the release of information may only be authorised by the Data Protection Officer, the Departmental Safety Officer or the Head of Department.

Further information regarding Data Protection please see Information Compliance webpages

Personal data

The University holds personal data on members of staff. The data collected is necessary for compliance with employment law and the administration of an individual’s employment contract. It is used for a full range of staff administration including: to establish an employee’s training and development requirements; to assess an individual’s qualifications and suitability, including state of health, for a particular job or task; to gather further evidence where there is a prima facie case for disciplinary action; to administer the payroll and pension scheme; to establish a contact point in the case of an emergency (e.g. next of kin). Please see 'How we use your personal information'.

The information is also used, in aggregate and anonymised form, to monitor staff posts to check that no discrimination is taking place, and to enable the University to take active steps to bring about fair treatment for all.

Sale of Personal Property and Personal Requirements

The following departmental rules apply to staff and students:

  • The department address or any telephone numbers may not be used in advertisements for the sale of personal property or for personal requirements.
  • Email may not be used to advertise private sales or to lobby for election to University or College committees.
  • The sale of goods on departmental premises is not permitted. Exceptions may be made for charity fund-raising with prior permission.

Personal Possessions

The Department will not accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, personal property on the premises. Personal property is not covered by the University's insurance policy. If you lose, or find, any personal articles please notify Reception.


If you wish to carry out collections, for example for a charity, you must obtain prior approval from Marita Walsh, Support Services Manager or, for post-graduate students, your supervisor.