Flexi-time in the Department - assistant staff

If you would like to request a change to your existing working pattern, please read this policy first, then discuss your proposal with either your immediate supervisor or Marita Walsh, Head of Operations and Estates or Kathleen Pickett, HR and Administration Coordinator, before applying:

  • Core hours (when all staff are expected to be present) are 10.00 - 12.00 and 14.30 - 16.00, Mon - Fri.
  • Overall time:07.30 - 18.30.
  • You must take a lunch break of at least 30 minutes and a maximum of 2 hours between 12.00 - 14.30 if you work 6 hours or more in one day.

You can take up to one full day or two half days off a month to use excess hours.

  • If you take the afternoon as holiday or flexi leave, you should not leave work until 12.00. If you have the morning as holiday or flexi, you should start work by 14:30 at the latest. 
  • Only record the hours you are actually working and no other times.
  • On days you attend dental or doctor’s appointments a maximum of 2 hours can be credited, as per Departmental rules. If you work a longer day on the day of your appointment, flexi may be accrued. Hospital appointments should be treated differently, therefore please speak to Emma Graham or Marita Walsh if/when these occur, as each appointment will need to be treated individually.
  • When attending officially organised Department events, such as the staff garden party, the time you leave the event should be recorded unless the event is in the Department and then you record a flat day.

A maximum of 10 excess worked hours can be carried over to the next month.  

Your debit must not exceed 5 hours at any time and must be made up by the end of the month i.e. nil.

Permission for flexi leave must be requested in advance, be granted by the member of staff’s line manager and must suit the workload of the area of work.

Flexi sheets should be sent to your line manager within five working days of the end of the month, who will then forward them to the admin team.

  • In order to ensure flexi sheets are accurate, you may like to complete them daily.
  • Incorrectly completing flexi sheets or persistently arriving late to work or from lunch could result in a disciplinary matter.

To apply, please complete the FLEXAF form and return it to Marita Walsh, Head of Operations and Estates or Kathleen Pickett, HR and Administration Coordinator (a request for temporary changes can be made by letter/email).  

Established Officers are required to complete form CHRIS/74 to request temporary leave to work flexibly.

For a printable copy of the Chemistry Department flexible working hours policy see the Resources page.