
Probation is a formal arrangement at the start of an appointment whereby new staff demonstrate their suitability for a particular job within a set time period. The length of the probation period varies according to both grade or nature of a post and the length of the appointment. Details will be set out in your contract of employment.

A probationary period is served for a particular job. In addition to your initial appointment you may have to serve a further period of probation if you are subsequently appointed to a new post with different or additional duties and responsibilities.

During the probationary period your supervisor will arrange a series of progress reviews at appropriate intervals. The purpose of these formal assessments at various stages of probation is two-fold. Firstly, they are a means of demonstrating and building on progress made and secondly, in the event of any problem arising, they ensure there are clear indications of the difficulties that have arisen and the steps taken to attempt to resolve them. The decision to confirm your appointment at the end of your probationary period will be based on these assessments.

The decision to confirm your appointment at the end of your probationary period will be taken by your PI or line manager based on these assessments.

Should there be any issues with fullfilling probationary requirements please contact Kathleen Pickett (

Further information:

Probation policy

Probation arrangements for Academic-Related, Assistant and Research staff.

Probation arrangements for Academic staff.

Probationary forms:

  • HR60, HR62a, HR62b for Academic-related, assistant and resaerch staff
  • HR60, HR63a, HR63b for Academic staff