University of Cambridge Staff Survey 2019
This took place in March 2019 and gave all University of Cambridge staff the opportunity to say how the University can better support its employees. The survey asked questions about jobs, opportunities for career progression, work-life balance, remuneration, staff benefits and support services, as well as other topics including management and leadership, communication and whether staff feel valued individuals. Please see here for overall findings University of Cambridge Staff Survey 2019 .
Having received the Department of Chemistry Staff Survey 2019 Results Open Meetings have now been arranged for staff to attend to give all staff the opportunity to discuss the results openly. These will be hosted by members of the Chemistry Department management team and held on:
- Wednesday 18th September, 10.30am, Wolfson Lecture Theatre
- Friday 20th September, 11.30am, Wolfson Lecture Theatre
To further enable staff to make suggestions building on these survey results an Online Survey Suggestion box has been created whereby staff can submit their ideas and suggestions anonymously. When you click on the link you may be asked to 'Log off' so you can then write your suggestion and submit it anonymously.