Wellbeing and Mental Health for Students
- Visit the University Student Support website to find out more about the many resources and people who are here to support you or someone who you suspect may be suffering with mental health issues.
- Speak to your PI, mentor, Deputy Head of Department, Postgraduate Education team, or college tutor/counsellor to discuss how to access available support.
- The Postgraduate Education Team offer support to postgraduate students and list key contacts in the department and across Cambridge.
- Mental Health Advisors (MHAs) through the Student Counselling Service offer a range of help to students experiencing moderate to severe mental health difficulties. The MHAs accept referrals from tutors, college nurses, directors of studies, postgraduate supervisors/advisers, welfare advisers, counsellors, chaplains and staff at the NHS first response service.You can contact the MHAs by email at mhadvisors@admin.cam.ac.uk and counsellingreception@admin.cam.ac.uk.
- You can find a Self Help Overview including detailed information and advice on topics such as anxiety, depression and stress amongst others on the Student Counselling pages.
- Find further support on the University of Cambridge Student Wellbeing pages.
- Accessibility and Disability Services provides confidential advice to disabled students, including undergraduates, postgraduates, new students about to start their course and students thinking of applying.
Wellbeing and Mental Health for Staff
- Many people are available to support you or someone who you suspect may be suffering with mental health issues. Speak to your line manager, Welfare, Training and Development Advisor, Deputy Head of Department, or a trusted colleague to discuss how to get support.
- Chung Tu and Kathleen Pickett are the Chemistry Department Wellbeing Advocates - you can contact them for support and information on a range of wellbeing issues.
- The Staff Counselling Centre has a Resources and Information page with information and advice on specific issues and experiences that can affect mental health and emotional wellbeing such as 'anxiety and panic', 'bereavement' and 'depression' amongst others. The also have links to other specialist organisations which you may find helpful.
- The mental health charity MIND states 'We won't give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect'. Visit their website for information on what they do, types of mental health problems, online support and services as well as an information hub.
- The Mental Health Foundation charity has resources for 'Looking after your mental health' with podcasts, videos and free downloads.
- Accessibility and Disability Services provides information for staff who work with disabled students.
Additional support networks
- The University's Breaking the Silence - preventing harassment and sexual misconduct provides help and advice to those who have been affected by and those supporting someone affected by harassment or sexual misconduct. It contains details on anonymous reporting, prevention and support as well as links to various external support groups.
- University Dignity at Work contacts.