Assistant staff - 2023 Leave information.

For assistant staff, holiday entitlement runs from January to December. If you start work after the beginning of the leave year your entitlement for that year will be calculated pro rata to the proportion of the leave year remaining.

Holiday entitlement for full time assistant staff is 36 days annually including 8 public holidays, pro rata’d for part time staff. You are entitled to additional long-service leave of one day after nine years of unbroken service and subsequently one additional day for each period of three years of unbroken service up to a maximum of four days after eighteen years of service. A maximum of five days can be carried over and must be used within three months of the new year. 

The Department normally closes over the Christmas and Easter periods with the required holiday deducted from your leave record at the beginning of each year. Although annual leave entitlement for assistant staff includes bank holidays, assistant staff are normally required to book these days and the preference is that assistant staff take public holidays off outside term time.

On occasion leave may not be granted if it does not meet the Department’s needs. During the busy summer holiday period, technical and secretarial staff need to ensure that there is adequate cover in order that the Department can remain open and fully functional.

If you have leave owing to you at the end of your employment you will be entitled to receive payment in lieu of the untaken leave. Similarly a deduction will be taken from your final salary payment if you have already taken more leave than entitled to.

Online Leave Calendar 

  • You must request and book all leave through the online leave calendar as of 01 January 2021. 
  • To access this click on the above link, log in using your Raven password and click on 'manage leave' for yourself.
  • A pdf user guide is also available.
  • Survey results May 2021 regarding online leave calendar system.